Current performances
Currently Danstheater Aya is performing Mother's White (12+) coproduction AYA and Silbersee. Check our agenda for all upcoming shows.
Mother’s White (12+) – a co-production by AYA Dance Theatre and Silbersee
Mother’s White is a dance and musical theatre production by AYA Dance Theatre and Silbersee. AYA makes bold and accessible dance theatre for a young audience with an exciting mix of contemporary and urban dance, acting, music and humor. Silbersee makes free-form opera that speaks every language. Artistic leader and founder Romain Bischoff creates encounters between makers and performers with a diversity of backgrounds, from classical to urban. The human voice is central to this: it is our key to the heart of the audience. AYA’s dance and Silbersee’s music are accessible to a young and multicoloured audience.
The performance portrays the relationship between a white mother and a black child; the mother sees that her child faces different boundaries to those she herself is used to. There is a sense of powerlessness when you are looked at differently because of the colour of your skin. Disbelief strikes. You can’t let your child be someone else. A craving for understanding and acceptance takes hold. When is the moment, as a mother, to take action?
Mother's White is about confusion of skin colours, privileges and the will to accept one another. Also, Ryan Djojokarso knows like no other how to approach harrowing situations with humour. A story that deserves to be told in words, music, dance and song.
Run period: mid-January – March 2023